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AICRP Irrigation Water Management
Dr. Arjamadutta Sarangi
E-mail: director[dot]iiwm[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
  • Assessment of surface water and groundwater availability and quality at the regional level and evolve management strategies using Decision Support Systems (DSS) for matching water supply and demand in agricultural production systems
  • Design, development and refinement of surface and pressurized irrigation systems including small landholders’ systems for enhancing water use efficiency and water productivity for different agro-ecosystems 
  • Management of rainwater for judicious use and to develop and evaluate groundwater recharge technologies for augmenting groundwater availability under different hydro-geological conditions
  • Basic studies on the soil-plant-water-environment relationship under changing scenarios of irrigation water management
  • To evolve management strategies for conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater resources for sustainable crop production.
AICRP-IWM Network Centers
Significant Achivements
  • Surface irrigation schedules have been developed for 55 crops using improved surface irrigation methods across 14 agroecological regions of the country. The schedules have been compiled in the form of a research bulletin. 
  • Pressurized irrigation schedules have been developed for about 60 crops using surface drip, sub-surface drip, online drip, raingun, sprinkler and mini-sprinkler irrigation systems across 14 agro-ecological regions of the country. The pressurized irrigation systems showed an increase in yield by 12.8-83.8%, water saving by 14.4-65.2%, an increase in water use efficiency by 16.8-93% and an increase in net return by 10.4-131.5%. 
  • An organic fertigation unit has been developed for the use of cow dung and vermicompost filtrates as a nutrient source through drip fertigation of crops. The unit has been successfully tested and recommended for okra crops. The technology has been patented. (Patent no. 381166, dated 02.11.2021).
  • A coordinated fertigation trial is being conducted in 23 crops which includes 8 crops for which the result has been obtained. There was up to a 52% increase in economic returns due to fertigation. 
  • Soil moisture sensor-based automated drip fertigation system has been developed by Raipur and Udaipur centres and successfully tested in cabbage and okra crops, respectively.Â