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ICAR-IIWM Guest House
ICAR-IIWM Guest House
IIWM Guest House

This Institute has one guest house which is situated in the main campus of the Institute at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar. The Guest House is primarily meant for official guests of the ICAR-IIWM/ ICAR/participants of Seminars / Workshops/ Symposia / Conferences / Training Programmes organised by the Institute as well as those sponsored by the ICAR. Scientists/Researchers from other ICAR Institute/SAUs/ Central /State Government may also be accommodated provided they request well in advance for reservation of rooms to the Director/In-charge Guest House of the Institute. Accommodation shall be provided subject to the availability of rooms.

The Guest House provides beddings (bed sheet, pillow, sheet, pillow-cover, blanket, mattress etc.). An inventory of articles for use in the rooms is available in each room. The guests are requested to check these items at the time of occupying the room. The responsibility for any missing item will, thereafter, rest with the guests. The guests are responsible for proper use and upkeep of the materials/fixtures provided in the rooms as also in the guest house. They shall be liable to pay charges for any loss or damage caused during their stay. All dues should be cleared before departure during office hours preferably (09.30 AM-5.00 PM) on all working days. Please demand official receipts for payments made.1

Dinning Hall
IIWM Guest House

Kindly send your application in the format given above, to the Director, ICAR-IIWM on director[dot]iiwm[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in with a copy to guest house in-charge on ao[dot]iiwm[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in


For Guest House related queries please contact:

Mr. S.K. Jena, Administrative Officer (8917374346) 

Mr. R.K. Dalai, Asst. Administrative Officer (94370 30685)1