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Events Organized

Training cum demonstration programme on ‘paddy seedling root dip treatment with liquid bio-fertilizer’ organized


One farmers’ training cum demonstration programme on “paddy seedling root dip treatment with liquid bio-fertilizer ‘NRRI-Endo-N-Tech’ (Azotobactor spp)” was organized on 20th August, 2024 at Haridamada village under the Farmer FIRST Project of the Institute, in which 30 farmers got benefited. Dr. S.K. Mishra, Pr. Scientist and Principal Investigator of the project discussed about the benefits of eco-friendly bio-fertilizers in improving soil fertility and crop yield as better alternatives to chemical fertilizers & pesticides and sensitized the participants on use of bio-fertilizers without having any side effects to crops, humans, soil, water and after all the environment. The method demonstration on paddy seedling root dip treatment was conducted for the farmers in a real field situation under the guidance of Co-PIs, namely, Dr. B.S. Satapathy, Sr. Scientist, Dr. H.K. Dash, Pr. Scientist and Dr. Prativa Sahu, Scientist and was assisted by project staff, namely, Ms. Isha Anindita Sahoo, SRF and Mr. Sivaprasad Mohanata, Field Assistant. Later, 15 lts liquid bio-fertilizers were distributed as critical input to the adopted farmers for treatment of paddy seedlings to cover over 60 acres rice transplantation area.