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Events Organized

Capacity Building Programme on Enterprising Oyster Mushroom Farming Organized on 20th January - 2025


A skill-based training cum demonstration programme on “Improved Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Practices for Increasing Additional Family Income and Nutritional Security” was successfully conducted on 20th January, 2025 at Haridamada village under the Farmer FIRST Project. The training was attended by over 50 enterprising farmers and youths from three adopted villages, namely Haridamada, Jamujhari and Barapita of Khordha district in Odisha. In his opening remarks, Dr. S.K. Mishra, Principal Scientist and Principal Investigator highlighted the climate suitability of coastal areas of the state for mushroom farming (paddy straw as well as oyster), numerous health benefits and nutritional facts of mushrooms being a rich source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and anti-oxidants, besides having a huge market potential in the state. He mentioned this enterprising crop requires low investment and could be taken up as an alluring enterprise even by landless, small and marginal farmers. He added, one can get his/her return from investment in a short time span and recycle the investment round the year and briefed its benefit-cost analysis. Dr. Prativa Sahu, Scientist & Co-PI explained in detail on setting up a mushroom farming unit in village situation, its package of cultivation practices, care and precautions of mushroom beds, harvesting and post-harvesting care, and making mushroom-based value-added products. Later, she coordinated a skill-oriented demonstration in preparing suitable mushroom beds with the active involvement of participants. Dr. Sheelabhadra Mohanty, Principal Scientist & Co-PI, emphasized on sustainable and economic utilization of paddy straw in commercial mushroom production besides its primary use as fodder. The partially decomposed paddy straw after mushroom harvest can be used for better compost making as well as for vermi-composting. He advised all to desist from straw burning practice which has severe adverse environmental impacts. As critical inputs, 200 oyster mushroom spawn bottles with required polythene bags were provided to all participants. Ms. Isha Anindita Sahoo, SRF arranged local logistics and at the end, proposed a vote of thanks.